Please see the full license for details.
I grant permission for the parents of the youth pictured here to use the images freely for their own personal use including on social media and in print.
I have this page to distribute images that are not used in the paper because I end up with so many wonderful pictures at each event. I own all of my camera equipment and it's not cheap. I would appreciate you purchasing pictures from me to help offset the costs. I'm not looking to get rich, just break even.
If you wish to contribute to my equipment fund to help me recuperate the cost of my gear, Venmo @bruce-karnick. $3-$5 per picture suggested.
Any commercial use is prohibited unless the images are purchased at the $30 per picture rate and attrition given "Photo by Bruce Karnick of Maveric Photography."
If the MN Wild are seeing this, email me if you want to use any of the pictures I have here.
[email protected]