The MSHSL rules state that those provided press access to section and state tournaments cannot sell the pictures taken at the credentialed event.
This site charges me for cart transactions so I have set the option for cart-free downloads.
Click the download icon on each picture you wish to download for free.
If you add the items to the cart, you will be charged for the download.
Because people have asked about tipping for the pictures, you can do that by either purchasing the images or sending me something via Venmo.
@bruce-karnick and if you need the four digit code 2495
**Commercial use**
These images are copywrite Maveric Photography / The Hastings Journal. Any commercial use permission must be obtained in writing and accompany a $50 per image fee.
The Hastings School District is exempt from this requirement. The district and schools within the district have permission to utilize the images associated with Hastings Area Schools from any of the albums for their own use for free. The two requirements are: they must provide proper attrition to the author(s) "Image provided by Bruce Karnick of Maveric Photography/Hastings Journal" and they do not have permission to redistribute any images to other media outlets.