Thank you for your patience while we retrieve your images.

Some of you may be new here, others may be very familiar with the page. As the photographer for the Hastings Journal, I am presented with many unique opportunities. Because we only used a few pics under normal circumstances, I try to share the rest of them with people via this site.

I have permission to do so since I own all the camera equipment. Because I own all the stuff, I typically ask people to buy the pictures for $2-3 per pic. In this instance, I am not. This is my yearly fun shoot with the kids. We get to be silly and get to know each other a little better, so they know, when it comes time to interview them for a sport or event, they are just talking to Bruce.

Since I am offering these up for free, take and use what you need personally. If you share it on social media, a shout-out to me and the site is appreciated. HHS/ISD200 and HCTV have free use commercially.

If you would like to toss me some cash as a thank you, I won't turn it down. I spent about 8 hours on processing and taking the pics. Venmo is @bruce-karnick and 2495 is the confirmation code you need.
I tried to get good pics of each of the kids out on the field. Some had more time in the game than others and it was really a matter of right place, right time.

Feel free to click the menu above and go to the 2022-2023 School events page and bookmark it. This is where I post the pictures as I process them.

Bruce Karnick